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Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition where the pancreas produces little to no insulin, a hormone needed to allow glucose to enter cells to produce energy. It’s often diagnosed in children and young adults. CDC - About Type 1 Diabetes

Prediabetes is not typically associated with Type 1 diabetes. Prediabetes refers to higher than normal blood glucose levels but not high enough for a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis, often leading to Type 2 if not managed. CDC - Prediabetes


Globally, about 10% of all diabetes cases are Type 1, but this number varies widely by region and ethnicity. In India, Type 1 diabetes affects about 1-4% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes. 

Which are the body parts that get effected?

Primarily affects the pancreas, specifically the insulin-producing beta cells. Over time, high blood glucose can damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, and blood vessels. Mayo Clinic - Type 1 Diabetes


Preclinical: There are usually no preclinical symptoms; Type 1 diabetes is often diagnosed after symptoms appear and usually quickly progresses.

Clinical: Increased thirst, frequent urination, bed-wetting in children, unintended weight loss, fatigue, and irritability. CDC - Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms

Risk factors:

Family history, genetics, geography (higher incidence in some countries), and possibly environmental factors. Mayo Clinic - Type 1 Diabetes

How to control/manage Type 1 Diabetes?

Management includes lifelong insulin therapy, blood sugar monitoring, healthy eating, regular physical activity, and regular diabetes care.

Role of nutrition & diet:

Important to balance insulin doses with eating and activity levels. Counting carbohydrates, eating healthful foods, and scheduling meals and snacks regularly are critical.

What should you focus on?

Continuous glucose monitoring and insulin pumps can help maintain tighter blood glucose control and improve life quality. NIH - Diabetes Technology

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